Script How do you avoid bloating?(お腹が張るのってどう対処してる?) I bloat after I eat, suggestions?(食後にお腹が張っちゃう、どうすればいい?) Any special hacks for bloating?(お腹の張りに対して何か特別なコツはある?...
- ホーム
- bijin-english
Script Is it good to rest one day in a week ?(一週間に一回休みを取ることはいいこと?) How often should I take a rest day? (どのくらいの頻度で休みは取るべき?) What if your body is sore and you nee...
Script And yeah I really honestly don't think that it's necessary to count calories and I don't do it anymore anyway(そしてそうね、私としては本当に正直にカロリー計算が必要とは思わないし私もこれ以上はしな...
Script Does counting calories work?(カロリー計算って効果あるの?) What's your opinion about counting calories daily?(毎日カロリー計算することについて個人的な意見はある?) Can I lose weight without cou...
Script What is the best workout for losing weight?(減量に一番効くトレーニングってなんなの??) Would you ever create a weight loss program?(減量ワークアウトプログラムを作ってる?) Would you be doing a...
Script so in that case maybe you could take a break, take a week or two weeks off from exercising or even dieting(そういった場合は、おそらく休憩を取ったほうがいいかも、一週間か二週間か、運動もだし食事さえも...
Script So, there could be many reasons why you're not losing a weight.(あなたが体重を落とせていないのにはたくさんの理由が考えられるわ。) It's not just, you know, exercising and have a good cle...
Script Hey everyone, Welcome back!(みなさんこんにちは!) So I asked you guys to send in your fitness questions on my Instagram story.(以前みなさんに私のインスタグラムにフィットネスに関する質問を送ってもらう...