Script and second of all you've got to make sure you are having a clean diet, you know, for 80/20 diet style, so you're not really restricting too much(2つ目に80:2...
- ホーム
- 2019 5月
Script Can you make a video on how to get a flat belly in three to four weeks?(三、四週間でぺったんこのお腹を手に入れるためのビデオって作れない?) Can you make a video on how to get a flat bell...
Script how do you deal with soreness?(筋肉痛ってどうしたらいいの?) Tips for what to do when your body aches so much that you can't exercise.(運動できないほど身体が痛い時ってどうしたらいいの?) So a ...
Script Are cheat meals okay? Chocolates and donuts a day?(チートミールっていいの? 一日にチョコレートとかドーナッツとか?) that doesn't sound like a cheat meal anymore, that's sound like a re...
Script so I recently quit sugar and it was so hard for the first two weeks, (私も最近砂糖を辞めたんだけど最初の二週間はかなり辛かったわ) I was constantly thinking about my chocolates becaus...
Script Best diet for ab workout?(腹筋鍛えてる時の食事はどんなの?) Diet on budget?(予算に合った食事は?) Can you share your weight loss diet?(減量用の食事を教えてくれない?) So for those of you guys wh...
Script What do you eat daily?(毎日何食べてるの?) Meal recipes?(ご飯のレシピは?) What do you eat throughout the day?(一日を通して何を食べてるの?) So I normally have two to three meals a day...
Script so what really helped me was to go on a low fodmap diet(私にすごく効果があったのは低フォドマップ食事療法よ) so that was basically my elimination diet so I removed, like, the food...
Script How do you avoid bloating?(お腹が張るのってどう対処してる?) I bloat after I eat, suggestions?(食後にお腹が張っちゃう、どうすればいい?) Any special hacks for bloating?(お腹の張りに対して何か特別なコツはある?...
Script Is it good to rest one day in a week ?(一週間に一回休みを取ることはいいこと?) How often should I take a rest day? (どのくらいの頻度で休みは取るべき?) What if your body is sore and you nee...